and its fellow trouble-makers Q and W are finally free. We were shocked that these letters had technically been banned in Turkey since 1928. Our outrage was short-lived since we only learned of this after reading about the release of Q, W, and X from Turkey’s alphabet jail.
GDL Studio can’t help but crack a little smile for Q, which has had more than its share of setbacks during its lifetime. We can’t help but notice that the Periodic Table of Elements is still Q-free. But we feel like the momentous Turkish decision may be the start of a major comeback for Q.
Need to celebrate Q, W, or X? We can help over at our Etsy shop.
e’re going to have to go with Columbus Day to celebrate the discovery of America until there is an official holiday that honors the first people to populate what is now known as North America. So on this day that commemorates a great feat of discovery (or re-discovery) we introduce a new way to explore America: the State Letter Collage Print collection.
As you may know, we’ve spent years roaming from sea to shining sea seeking the coolest, funkiest vintage sign letters. We snap photos of old signs, crop the choicest letters, and put them into new contexts. In this case, we are using our vast letter collection to spell out the name of your favorite state in a repeating pattern. This design is dropped into the iconic outline of your state.
And for your geographically-challenged friends, we also put the name of the state in a normal font. (If you are a purist, we can remove that part. Just let us know.) Learn more about the State Letter Collage Print collection.
ery many. That’s how many versions of each letter of the alphabet we have in our ever-growing photo library. Our collection includes 500 “E”s alone. Now we admit, not every letter is a winner. But they are all special in their own way. And we finally found a way to showcase even the homliest “Q” -- Super Giant Mega Photo Letters at our Etsy shop.
Each Super Giant Mega Photo Letter is inspired by 800 point Helvetica letters. Up close, you can make out all the little letters that combine to form the super-sized letter. When you step back, you see the letters blur into a colorful mosiac pattern. Our “g” includes 218 “G”s and “g”s, to give you an example of how many letters go into each big letter.
We print each Super Giant Mega Photo Letter on 8.5 by 11 inch sheet of cardstock. But the letters are scalable, so we can handle a range of paper sizes. Drop us a line if you have a special request.
Use these mega letters to spell your name, your hometown, your initials, antidisestablishmentarianism, you know, whatever you like.
Keep your eyes on this space, as we have some other big ideas coming soon.
nderstanding that Kickstarter is a dangerous place for us to visit, at least from the perspective of our savings account, doesn't deter us from visiting now and again. We backed a number of pen projects and now are enjoying our Solid Titanium pen that can handle a wide range of ink refills.
So naturally, we need something cool to write on using our amazing pen. Where to look? (See where we’re going here?)
Um, yes, Kickstarter. Sure there are plenty of notebooks already out there. But we are excited about Mirth & Co.’s potential line of notebooks straight out of Austin. These gems bring together two of our favorite things: handmade products and the French Paper Co. And how can you not love the blimp logo?
Image via Mirth & Co. |
We don’t mention too many Kickstarter projects on the blog, but we are rooting for Mirth & Co. If you know anyone who might want to support this campaign, which runs through Feb. 23, 2012, please spread the word. The world needs these notebooks.
Plus any promo video that involves dental hygiene and chickens is a winner in our book. It's worth watching even if you don’t need notebooks. But after experiencing this video, you’ll want the notebooks.
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